Good morning DREAMERS!! I hope that this finds each of you well!!
I just wanted to speak candidly today about my life, and how I struggle as well. I posted about this a few days ago; I don’t want to paint the picture that I have it all together. Through the help of Christ I’m trying to live my DREAM as well; through Christ, I am able. I sometimes, question whether or not I will achieve my ultimate goals of becoming a platform speaker that travels to encourage, motivate, and inspire others. I, myself, sometimes need motivation and encouragement. I understand more than you know. Sometimes, I find myself slipping into the trap of my feelings, and getting discouraged. But the key to helping myself is recognizing when I do it, and correcting it immediately. You’ll be surprise, how easily your feelings can suck you in. As I’m reminded of a quote in Joyce Meyer’s book, “The Confident Woman”, “Feelings are fickle and you are not to trust them”. I know you may say, “those are my feelings and nobody can tell me how to feel”. I know, i get it. But what you must understand is that either you will control your feelings are your feeling will control you………..the choice is yours. Feelings are temporary, and they are forever changing. Its not safe to stay in your feelings; its not safe to make decisions based on your feelings; and its not safe to speak base on your feelings. This can be severely detrimental to you, your DREAM, and your future.
For example, I had to purchase a battery for my car. It’s not that I didn’t have the resources to purchase the battery, I was just disgruntle that I had to spend the money. To be honest, I was kind of upset. lol But after getting home and thinking the whole thing over, I realized that I was acting irrationally, because it could have been worse. So, I had to check my feelings; I realized that God provided the resources to make the purchase so I should be grateful. I should be thankful, because I could have been in need and didn’t have the resources. Sometimes, its best to see the God-side of a situation, rather than worrying about whats not important. This was a test and a lesson for me!! I reacted out of my feelings………
Just as I have/had to learn not to always trust my feelings, you too, will have to do the same. Although you may not be feeling your best, you must speak what is not, as thought it was. Meaning, even though I may be having a crappy day, I can speak that the joy of the Lord is my strength. As quoted in “The Confident Woman”, anything that isn’t done in faith is a sin. You can sin in your feelings……………sometimes we can react and say things out of anger; not that we necessarily mean them, but we are just upset at the time.
Sometimes, I speak outwardly to myself!! If I feel that I am acting irrationally, I may speak and say “Are you serious right now?” or I may say, “of all the things God has done, are you really going to stay upset about this small thing? I have to sometimes reel myself back in, because feelings will take you somewhere you don’t want to go.
I make it a habit to speak life, to speak faith, speak hope, speak love!!! No, I’m not always chipper, happy; I don’t always feel confident. But I know that God has the best for me, and this too shall pass. Grab your DREAMS by the horn, and use the God given authority that has been placed with you. You have been decreed & declared victorious through Christ. Beyond the cloud, the sun is always shining; within the darkness the light can be found.
Love each of your dearly!! ~Blessings Flow