Still, is defined as, not moving, calmness, remaining in place without wavering; remaining at rest from movement, or abstaining from.
Trust, is defined as, reliability, firm belief in, strength, dependence, one in which confidence is placed, faith or reliance.
One evening, as I was ending my night reading and journaling, I heard God so clear say, ‘Still Trust”. I’m sure you have heard this phrase many times, but this time was different for me. Most times when you hear people say this, they are referring to something they have been through, or something difficult or overwhelming that they overcame. For example, “Things have been really difficult, but I still trust God”.
Still trust means to be immovable. It means to be placed right where you are, and know that God is working. It means that no matter what I face, I will remain still in God and His plan for me. It means that no matter what is thrown at me, I remain immovable, steadfast, holding firmly to what God said He will do. Ultimately, God had already said that He knows that plans that He has for each of us; a plan to prosper you and not to harm you; plans to give you hope and a future. Still Trust means that no matter the raging seas around me, I will stand still, and see God’s plan prevail for my life. Still Trust means to place all confidence, dependence, reliability, and firm belief in knowing God knows what is best for me.
God wants us to enjoy this life He has given us here on earth. God wants us to trust Him wholeheartedly, meaning giving up total control, trusting His will for your way. Having full confidence in God is what moves God. God wants you to trust and believe that although you may have good, God has great; you may have the better, but God has the best; you may be happy, but God has joy; you may have a lot, but God has even more. Therefore, if you have little faith, and you see God working in your life, just imagine if you have big faith what God will do.
I remember a time, praying to God to make my work situation better. Although, I was praying I still had my hand in the situation hoping that in some way, I could change the situation too; in others words I thought I could help God out. In the end, all I was doing was making matters worse. It wasn’t until I fully relinquished my rights to the problem over to God, that I began to see a difference. God tells us any way, to bring all of our burdens to the cross and leave them there; and I fully took the challenge, and obeyed. I felt like a ton of bricks was lifted from me.
I had to “Still Trust” God. I had to stand still, close my mouth and watch God work. I had to believe in faith that God was working it for my good. In all of my worries and frustrations, I had to wait patiently, wisely on God, and in due time God worked it perfectly. Only God can work something to pure perfection. Only God can dot all the “I’s” and cross all the “T’s”.
I encourage you today, that no matter your circumstance, or whatever situations that you are facing to “Still Trust” God. Hold tightly to God’s word and write it on the table of your heart! As the Bible declares, in Psalm 46:10, be still and know that I am God!!! Be blessed! Love you!