A few weeks ago, I was accosted about my beliefs, and it really bothered me. I felt attacked, offended, and violated because it was by someone I invited into my private space. I prayed about it and tried to release it but the sting of it lingered. So, after about a week, I still felt a way about it, so, I prayed again and the Holy Spirit responded, “it’s just buildup”.
One of the definitions of buildup is to constrict gradually; to accumulate or restrict.
When I prayed about it the first time, I didn’t fully release it. It festered in my mind, my thoughts, and in my spirit. I replayed the interaction over and over again in mind so much that it caused agitation in my spirit. When we pray about something and we don’t fully release it, it causes buildup of anger, resentment, bitterness, and even hatred.
For instance, when a water line is filled with rust or debris, it restricts the even flow of water. When your plumbing lines are backed up, it restricts the even flow of waste leaving the home. Well, it’s the same for your spirit. When you don’t release your fears, worries, things that hurt and frustrate you it causes a buildup in the spirit between you and God. You can’t pray and God can’t listen. God can’t heal what hurts because we are still holding on to what hurt or offended us. God can’t open doors that are closed because we are still holding on the knob. God can’t restore what’s broken because we won’t release and let go.
Buildup restricts the flow of God’s love and forgiveness, it restricts the flow of joy, hope and healing, it restricts the flow of peace in your heart and your mind, it restricts the flow of deliverance of what hurt or harmed you in the first place. If you do not handle the care of your buildup eventually it stops the flow, and that my friend is the plan of the enemy. That you will get full of anger, offense, and resentment that you forget that God heals hurts and restores hearts.
I encourage you, don’t let buildup linger in your spirit. Deal with the hurt or the offense the moment it happens. The enemy wants us to carry his baggage around. He wants us to carry our burdens, but the word of God says in Matthew 11:28-30, “Come to me all who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy any my burden is light”.
Offense is the devil’s bread, but healing is the children’s bread! If you belong to God, forgiveness and healing is yours, hope is yours, deliverance is yours, peace is yours, and even flow with God is yours. Be healed and restored today. Be encouraged, blessings flow!