Get up & Get Over It

You don’t know love until you’ve been chastised by the Holy Spirit. You talk about a “third parent”. God don’t play about His children, nor His purpose. He will wreck your plans before they wreck you. He will deconstruct to reconstruct yourself. It’s a painful experience but a purposeful process.

Here is my testimony, I was in distress baby! Crying out to God! I was no better than an unruly toddler wanting their way and wanting it right now. As the stern parent God is, He let me get it out and over it. When I was done, He said, “let this be the last time you cry about this”. You may know the saying, “If I am sick of you was a person” 😂!! I’m grateful God’s patience doesn’t run thin with me.

In this season, it may seem brash and insensitive but God is saying “get up and get over it”. God is saying, I already told you what to do. The direction is forward. It’s dead. My mind is made up. Everything will be ok. But, you gotta move. There is great work to be done.

I am reminded of the book of Deuteronomy, chapter 34 when Moses died and the Israelites moaned his death for thirty days. God told Joshua to tell the people “get up” and cross over the Jordan into the promise land. The Lord is kind and merciful, but He doesn’t take too kind to all that crying, and whining. When God has made a decision, He doesn’t change His mind. You can either stay there or get left behind. I am inclined to believe God treats our situations the same way. God will give us time to grieve situations in our lives but when the time comes, God says “get up and get over it” because there is life to live and great work to be done. God isn’t insensitive but He knows the reality of the life He has given us. God doesn’t like to waste time and He doesn’t want us to waste time either. God doesn’t want us to grieve the same thing over and over. Whatever the cause, God will work it for the good; and we know God’s good is always great.

I don’t know what you too may be facing in your life, but when you have cried a little while, the grace of God will give you what you need to “get up and get over it”. He will give you the grace to shake the dust from your feet, dry your eyes and move forward to step in the promise land.

Through the grace of God and the help of the Holy Spirit, we can use the Israelites’ experiences to teach us how to grieve and move simultaneously. We don’t have to waste time in the wilderness. I encourage you, as I also encourage myself, to “get up and get over it.” It may be settled in the spirit before it’s settled in your heart, but give it time. God is a maestro, and He knows how to orchestrate our lives for His perfect will.

Be encouraged, blessings flow!

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