Greet Your Problems with Gratitude

I know that sounds crazy. There is nothing fun about having or facing problems, especially at the most inopportune time. It’s never convenient when problems arise.  Our natural response to problems and even pain is to complain and grip. We find ourselves saying, “Here we go again,” or as the old folks say, “If it ain’t one thing, it’s another.” 

If you change the way you think, you can change your life. Responding to your problems with gratitude starts with transforming your mind. Romans 12:2 says they do not conform to the pattern of this world but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

If you dare to change the way you think and respond when problems arise in your life, I promise you will feel better, live better, and overcome them quickly.  When we face problems, we lament them to the point that they cause distress in areas of our lives that they shouldn’t. When you complain and grip, it poisons the grounds of your soul. It’s the breeding ground for anger, fear, worry, and even more disappointments. We are not free from trouble because we are Christians.  Our relationship with God doesn’t de-obligate us from the fight. However, it should change the way we fight.

John 16:33 says you will have trouble (problems) in this world, but take heart; I have overcome the world. 

Greet your problems with gratitude because we serve a God who delivers and protects us from any problems we face. Psalm 34:19 says many are the afflictions of the righteous, but the Lord delivers him from all of them. This is the joy we have in trusting in the Lord. You can greet your problems with gratitude because God promises to deliver. That’s what you call promised victory.  Problems are not fun, big or small, but in God, you have promised victory.  I know it seems like there is no end, but you have promised victory.  I know you have been praying and fighting for a long time, but you have promised victory.  I know it seems like it is always one thing after another, but you have promised victory. Change your perspective – when you see a problem, count it all as joy.  It’s a chance for God to show you that He can do it again.  I encourage you today as I encourage myself to forge ahead.  This, too, shall pass.  Be encourage, blessings flow.

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