I know you’ve heard the saying, “When you fall, you’re in the perfect position to pray”. It’s true! It’s the humblest position that you can be in before the Father. Falling is never fun and its not easy getting back up.
We often associate falling with shame and embarrassment and in some cases that may be true, but it doesn’t have to remain a fact for your life. When we fall, we often panic and rush to get back up. The next thing we ask ourselves is, “did anyone see that?” When we fall our egos are bruised, but in some cases, there is physical pain too. The fall is often associated with laughs from onlookers, but you will also have some people who will be concerned with your well-being asking if you’re ok and helping you to get back up.
Let’s be honest, nobody wants to fall, but sometimes falling is a part of life. It’s an intricate, yet detailed learning experience for all of us. But can I challenge your perspective on falling? The next time you fall, don’t rush to get back up. I challenge you to pray right where you are. In that shame and embarrassment, take a moment to pray. Ephesians 3:14 it says, “For this reason, I bow my knees before the Father”.
In my shame and embarrassment, for this very reason, I bow my knees and worship him. In my pain and distress, for this very reason, I bow my knees and worship him. When things are not going as planned, for this very reason, I bow my knees and worship him. When the answer is no and the door is closed, for this very reason, I bow my knees and worship him. When life is in disarray and sorrow is at my door, for this very reason, I bow my knees and worship him. And even when things are well, for this very reason, I bow my knees and worship him.
It’s on your knees in prayer that the Father grants us strength to face the many challenges of our lives. When we humble ourselves before the Father in prayer it tethers us to Heaven so that we can be strengthened in our weaknesses. When we rush to get back up, we miss the reason we fell in the first place. Take a moment to heed and hear from the Lord. It is not God’s desire that we make the same mistakes time after time. Ephesians 3:16 goes on to say that according to riches of his glory, he may strengthen with power through the spirit. It’s not a matter of if we will fall, but God knows we will fall, and when we do, He will be there as the breath of life to give us a second wind to get back up.
As you embark on a new week in this new year, remember that when you fall, fall on your knees and pray while you’re down there. There is no shame or condemnation we trust God, the great conditioner. He is the one that helps us to overcome and get to the other side.
Ephesians 3:20-21 says, “Now unto Him who is able to do far more abundantly than all we can ask or think, according to the power at work within us, to him be the glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all the generations, forever and ever amen.
Let this lead you. Be encouraged.
Blessings flow